Revolutionizing Future:Where Bitcoin Layer2 Meets AI

The Ultimate
AI-modular Bitcoin Layer2 solution

AILayer is an innovative Bitcoin Layer2 solution, crafted with a focus on AI-driven modular construction.

AILayer TVL:

Backed by

AI-Enhanced BTC Layer 2

Unlocking New Dimensions in BTC Layer2 with AI

Native Asset Issuance Layer

Bitcoin Mainnet + Bitcoin Bridge

Synchronizes Block Header & Bridge TXs

Full Validator Set that Propose Bridge State + Vote Block & Withdraw

EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2

Enhanced Credibility through Pos EVM Chain

Multichain Interconnection from Brc20 to EVM Ecosystem

Web3 Hugging Face

Community-driven model library

AI Service Layer 3

AI Protocol Controller with different AI-Powered Subnets

AI Layer 3 Native Token Model

Prover and Miner Stake & Unstake

Subnet Networks for AI Specialization

NLP Subnet + CV Subnet

Q&A Evaluation Protocol

Stake AILayer Token and Query AI Service

AILayer Essentials

Highlights & Features

EVM-Compatible Bitcoin Layer 2 Solution

Through Bitcoin light nodes and a combined POS consensus of Taproot threshold contracts to realize decentralized interaction between Bitcoin and AILayer.

Innovative Multichain Interconnection

Staking AILayer to become a node in our Layer2 PoS Node, and synchronize cross-chain operations of Bitcoin and inscriptions securely and efficiently through Schnorr signatures and Tendermint consensus.

Subnet Networks for AI Specialization

Our platform features specialized subnets catering to various AI models, ensuring that specific computational and AI needs are efficiently met, providing a diverse range of AI services within the network.

AI Protocol Controller

A sophisticated set of smart contracts manages the ecosystem, overseeing prover registrations, miner activities, subnet operations, and reward distribution, thereby ensuring a smooth, decentralized operational flow.

Q&A Evaluation Protocol

Provers maintain the network's integrity by assessing the service quality provided by miners. This dynamic interaction guarantees high-quality AI model training and reliable network performance.

AI Layer 3 Native Token Model

AILayer tokens are integral to our ecosystem, serving as the primary medium for transactions, staking, and rewards.

Extended Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions